Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Little Bit About Us

Although this blog is mostly about home decor, party planning, and everything farmhouse-ish, every once in a while I hope to share some sweet photos of my three precious kiddos.  And to start off this new year, I thought that I would share some family pictures that we had taken in early December!

Our firstborn, Mary Catherine, is 8 and a true delight to us.  She was a looong-awaited gift from God (nearly 11 years of marriage to be exact!) and it is hard to believe our "baby" is now a 2nd grader.  (And, yes, I really did keep her home an extra-year not only because she has an August birth date, but also because I just loved her company!!!)

Our middle child was the gift that wasn't supposed to be!  Doctors told us that we could never conceive on our own (okay, less than 1% chance!) and you can imagine our surprise when we discovered we were pregnant with him!  At 6, and in Kindergarten, Benjamin also delights us with his sense of humor and kind-hearted disposition.

And last, but certainly not least, is Luke!  At 32 lbs. and 30-months old, he is our strapping young toddler!  He tries to keep up with big brother and big sister and does pretty well holding his own!  At 41, he was definitely another surprise, albeit, a blessed one!

This year, 2013, my husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage!  While it hasn't been all "wedded bliss" it has been an incredible ride.  I'm so glad God brought the two of us together and that I get to be on this amazing journey called life with him.  Here we are in 1993...

...clearly taken before the DSLR was invented!  LOL  In fact, our photographer retired and before closing his business, sold me all of the "negatives" he shot that day for $50.00.  There are hundreds! 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know our little family of five a bit better.  Wishing all of you that drop by for a visit (whether you leave a comment or not) a very blessed and peaceful 2013!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family! And I love your wedding photo! Very much like ours from 1991. Oh my...that sounds so long ago! Ha ha!
