Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Candid Christmas (A Quick Review!)

As you might have noticed, I took a step away from Our Someday Farm to celebrate the Christmas holiday.

We traveled to both St. Louis, Missouri and Estes Park, Colorado during a 9-day window, via CAR, but it was a lot of fun spending time with both our extended families and as a family of five.

Here are just a few pictures capturing Christmas around Our Someday Farm...

Large photo...Santa's elves love to wrap gifts...especially  using grosgrain ribbon!

Top to Bottom (L-shape...counterclockwise)
1:  Mary Catherine showing off Suzanne's winter snow boots. (Suzanne is Mary's American Girl Doll.)
2:  Luke's most-loved gift of all...a wooden car carrier from Doug and Melissa.  (Don't you just LOVE wooden toys?)
3:  Benjamin playing harmonica...a simple and highly loved stocking stuffer!
4:  Luke on Christmas morning.
5:  Benjamin insisted on wrapping his own gift to Mommy!  I love Kindergarten print...and that he spelled out our last name!!!)
6:  Mary Catherine showing off her new ear muffs from Auntie Julie and Uncle Johnny.  Adorable!
7:  Mary Catherine insisted on feeding Santa's reindeer, but we were out of oats.  She improvised with cherry tomatoes...labeling one per reindeer!  ;)

A few other captured moments...

A sweet moment shared between Father/Daughter

How DOES that Santa know???!!!

Aaaaargh, Matey!

So many moments captured on film...and so very grateful for the advent of the digital age!


1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful,Valerie! And yes...we love wooden toys in this house. Sant just began bringing them with our little Flynn. She got a Melissa and Doug pot and pan set with fruit and veggies...sooo much nicer than the plastic. What was Santa thinking all these years?! : )
